Alex Starts Kindergarten

ladyherndon Colorado, Home

This is the Hebrew word for “beginning,” seen in Genesis 1:1:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

For Alex, today was a beginning.

The first day of Kindergarten.

I wish I could show you a picture of him waiting in line with his classmates to walk into the school, but (of course) my aging camera died at that moment. Let me just tell you, then, how he stood there patiently, smiling and waving at the other kids as they ran up to join him, waving at me very matter-of-factly and saying, “Okay, Mommy, you can take the grills to the car now.”

Wow. Umm, ok. I guess I’m the only one teary-eyed here.

Which is surprising, actually, because after a year of butting heads, conflict, and challenges, I thought I was quite ready for Alex to go to school. I wanted him to have more interaction with his peers, to escape from his “shadow” (aka Princess) for a few hours, to receive instruction from and learn to respect other adults, and to “grow into his shoes” away from home.

Plus, let’s be brutally honest here: I needed a break.

But as I stood there and watched him walk away from me, I was getting a bit emotional. He is, after all, my firstborn, my only son, and I can see his future stretching out before me. Kindergarten is the beginning of a whole new life, for him and for us. It marked a big change for our family. A good change, but a big one.

He is saluting because he is attending the school on the Air Force Academy, where Mike teaches. We choiced him in there so that he could go to school with Daddy, even though it is a much longer drive than our neighborhood school, and I have to have the car inspected every time I go to pick him up. For this first year, at least, I can see how much he likes the Guy Time they have in the car and in Mike’s classroom in the morning, and how it helps Alex to see Daddy in the halls once in a while.

To mark this momentous occasion, we performed a Paging Ceremony that night. Now, we had done a precursor to this when he started Preschool, but this was the official one.

We are following the ideas presented in the book Raising a Modern-Day Knight and on the website Real Armor of God. Mike and I decided to mark stages in Alex’s life like this:

1st Day of Kindergarten – Paging Ceremony – wooden sword and shield and cape

13th Birthday – Squiring Ceremony – metal dagger and/or signet ring

High School Graduation – Knighting Ceremony – real sword and shield, and family crest

In our ceremony, Mike spoke these words:

Christian Right of Passage

Paging Ceremony

Alexander MacKay Herndon


Alex, today is a very special day for you. It is your first day of Kindergarten, a grade that officially begins your school career. Your mother and I are so very proud of you and we want you to know how happy we are.

The sword and shield are produced:

This sword and shield represent an attitude of fighting for what is true and pure and holy and right in God’s eyes. May you use them to protect the weak and safeguard your loved ones.

Mike kneels in front of Alex:

As you play with these, remember that God wants you to be His warrior, prepared for any battle you may face. When you need help, you only need to ask. God will always strengthen and protect you, and we will always be here for you.

Stand and have Alex repeat the vows:

I will defend the weak. I will speak only the truth. I will be loyal to my family. I will be brave. I will love. I will be devoted to God above all else.

Mike places the cape on Alex.

Alex, may this cape remind you of God’s protection over you. The black represents the death of your old sinful self. The red on the shield is nobility, for you are a son of the King of heaven and earth. The dragon, thought to be the battle standard for King Arthur, represents your courage, strength, and purity as a member of God’s army.

Mike taps each shoulder with the sword.

In recognition of this new chapter in your life and in honor of the young man you are becoming, I am officially christening you as a page in God’s army. You are now responsible for helping your family, and for serving your LORD, Jesus Christ. I hereby dub thee, Page Alexander.

The sword and shield are presented to Alex.

Take your rightful place in God’s army.

(I know, they are blurry, but I was losing the light and, as I said, my camera is aging.) But look at Mike’s face in that last picture! The dedication! The devotion! The chivalry! I know he could feel the solemnity of the moment.

Three young kids and one patient husband. A camera that is dying a slow death. Dim light of evening.I know you’ll forgive me for the blurry pictures.

Welcome to your rightful place in God’s army, Little Prince.And any guesses about who he wants to be for Halloween?

High King Peter the Magnificent of Narnia.

Since I am going to milk these themed Halloween costumes as long as I can, it wasn’t too hard for me to convince Evelyn to be Queen Susan the Gentle (with a bow and arrow, of course) and Penny quite willingly agreed to be Queen Lucy the Valiant.

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